Sunday, November 30, 2014

singkong, ketela pohon


Sampai dengan usia sepuluh tahunan, makanan utama saya di kampung dulu adalah singkong. Singkong dibuat seperti nasi. Namanya nasi singkong. Orang kampung saya menyebutnya “sega budin”. “Sega” itu “nasi”, sedangkan “budin” itu “singkong”.  Sayurnya juga daun singkong. Nasi singkong lauknya sayur daun singkong. Kalau sekarang di rantau orang, jika saya kangen singkong dan daun singkong, saya harus membelinya. Rumah Makan Padang ternyata menyajikan sayur daun singkong. Ya Restoran Padang mengangkat citra daun singkong sebagai sayur yang bergengsi. Di kampung saya dulu seluruh kebun dipenuhi tanaman singkong. Sepanjang mata memandang tanaman singkong menghijau, karena memang singkong adalah makanan pokok di kampung saya.
Saya terkejut bukan kepalang, sewaktu mendapat kiriman berita di media pertemanan (facebook) berita tentang impor singkong yang dilakukan Pemerintah Indonesia. Berita itu tentu saya segera baca dan saya edit untuk saya muat di blog saya. Coba and baca di bawah ini.

Pada bulan Maret, April, dan Mei 2012, pemerintah Indonesia mendatangkan singkong dari Republik Vietnam sebanyak 1.342 ton. Singkong sebanyak itu bukan barang gratis tetapi dibeli dengan uang sebanyak 340 ribu dolar AS. Berita ini pernah dimuat Republika.Co.Id. Sumber berita ini disampaikan oleh anggota Komisi IV DPR RI, Viva Yoga Mauladi, Jakarta, Selasa.

Ia menambahkan, pada saat bersamaan, pemerintah juga mendatangkan alias mengimpor singkong dari negeri Tirai Bambu, Cina sebanyak 5.057 ton yang setara dengan 1,3 juta dolar AS. Demikian pernyataan politisi Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN).

Ketua Himpunan Kerukunan Tani Indonesia (HKTI), Martin Hutabarat, yang jua anggota DPR RI, menyayangkan kebijakan impor singkong tersebut. "Impor singkong sama dengan membunuh petani perlahan demi perlahan," ujar Martin.

Ia menyatakan bahwa wilayah Indonesia sangat luas dan tidak kekurangan singkong sama sekali. "Tidak sulit menggerakkan petani untuk menanam singkong," sebut politisi dari Partai Gerindra itu.

Ia juga lebih lanjut menyebutkan bahwa setiap tahun pemerintah Indonesia menghabiskan dana sekitar Rp125 triliun untuk impor kebutuhan pangan.

"Kalau dana itu digunakan dan dibagikan kepada petani, maka dana Rp 125 triliun itu akan sangat berguna sekali sekaligus bisa menyejahterakan petani kita," ujar Martin. Oh singkongku sayang, singkongku malang.

atau kalau anda ingin tahu lebih lanjut, cobalah klik website di bawah ini. 

Berita Impor singkong:
berita impor singkong:
berita impor singkong:

Saturday, November 29, 2014


binahong atau ginseng
binahong atau ginseng?

Saya tidak tahu dan tidak pernah menanam tumbuhan itu di pot. Saya merasa tidak pernah dengan sengaja menanamnya. Saya tidak pernah menebarkan bibitnya. Atau anak-anak ada yang main-main dan ternyata mainannya mengandung bibit tumbuhan itu? Boleh jadi bibit tanaman itu tersebar melalui hembusan angin. Sangat mungkin. Itulah salah satu cara Sang Pencipta menebarkan tumbuhan di muka bumi. Itulah tumbuhan baru yang muncul di pot di sela-sela tanaman yang sengaja saya tanam untuk mengurangi gersang depan rumah. Ternyata tumbuhan itu juga muncul di atas sisa pasir yang sengaja saya tumpuk di pinggir got depan rumah. Karena sering terkena cipratan air, maka tumbuhlah tanaman itu di atas sisa pasir. Saya juga tidak tahu nama tumbuhan itu. Saya menjadi teringat kawan saya di tempat kos di Singaraja yang menyebut tumbuhan seperti itu namanya ginseng. Ia, katanya, sering mencampurkan daun tumbuhan itu yang katanya ginseng ke dalam mi instan yang ia masak. Saya memang pernah melihat tumbuhan itu ada di pot di depan kamar kos-nya. Akan tetapi saya agak ragu untuk mengikuti jejak kawan saya mengkonsumsi daun tumbuhan itu. Yah tumbuhan itu muncul di pot bunga di rumah saya. Karena keraguan itu akhirnya saya membiarkan tumbuhan itu tanpa memanfaatkannya untuk dikonsumsi.
Saya tidak menghitung berapa lama tumbuhan itu bertahan. Rupanya tumbuhan itu lama-lama berkurang tingkat kesuburannya. Pada waktu baru tumbuh, ia tampak sangat subur dan hijau. Lama kelamaan tingkat kesuburan dan warna hijaunya berkurang. Pohonnya tampak lebih langsing dan tidak sehijau pada waktu baru tumbuh. Bahkan batangnya berubah agak kemerah-merahan.
Beberapa bulan kemudian saya mendaptkan informasi baru. Kata kawan yang pernah ke rumah tumbuhan itu namanya binahong. Binahong? Apakah itu jenis binahong yang lain? Setahu saya, tentu menurut informasi dari kawan juga, pohon binahong itu pohon yang yang merambat. Pohon yang muncul di pot saya itu seperti pohon sayuran, Pohon perdu, yang tidak merambat. Oh itu mungkin binahong jenis lain. Kata kawan pohon itu banyak manfaatnya. Dapat digunakan untuk obat panas dalam. Dengan cara memasak seperti sayur, jadilah sayur yang dapat mengobati panas dalam. Dapat pula digunakan untuk obat luka. Daunnya diremas-remas dan ditempelkan pada luka baru. Menurut penjelasannya, daun binahong bukan rambat ini juga dapat digunakan untuk obat bagi ibu-ibu yang baru operasi sesar. Caranya dengan jalan mengkonsumsi dalam bentuk sayur. Tumbuhan binahong ini tumbuhan mahal. Kata kawan. Saya memang perlu mencobanya. Tumbuhan itu perlu dimanfaatkan. Kalau memang dapat disayur, berarti dapat mengurangi penyakit kanker alias “kantong kering”. Jika dapat dibuat sayur, maka akan menghemat alias mengurangi belanja sayur. Tanaman lain yang kurang bermanfaat dapat diganti dengan tanaman binahong. Toh tumbuhan itu sangat mudah tumbuh. Tanpa sengaja menanamnya pun dapat tumbuh di pot atau di tanah, asal ada tersiram air. Yah itulah tumbuhan yang semula saya sebut tumbuhan ginseng. Binahong atau ginseng?

ginseng jawa

Friday, November 28, 2014

seminar, conference, and symposium


These three terms are widely used in formal statement concerning academic activities. Let us take a look at a dictionary how these three terms are defined. New Oxford American Dictionary defined them as seen below.
A seminar is, generally, a form of academic instruction, either at an academic institution or offered by a commercial or professional organization. It has the function of bringing together small groups for recurring meetings, focusing each time on some particular subject, in which everyone present is requested to actively participate.
A conference is a meeting of people who "confer" about a topic.
A conference is 
- a formal meeting for discussion: he gathered all the men around the table for a conference.
- a formal meeting that typically takes place over a number of days and involves people with a shared interest, esp. one held regularly by an association or organization.

symposium |simˈpōzēəm|
noun ( pl. symposia |-zēə| or symposiums )
a conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject.
• a collection of essays or papers on a particular subject by a number of contributors.
• a drinking party or convivial discussion, esp. as held in ancient Greece after a banquet (and notable as the title of a work by Plato).

In Indonesia, we can find them used by many educational institutions to name their formal and scientific meeting.  Udayana University call its scientific activity or seminar by using the term 'conference': ICAL (international conference on austronesian linguistics). We can find the term 'conference' used by Indonesian University of Education (UPI) Bandung: CONAPLIN (conference on applied linguistics).  
In political activity it is very popular to hear the term 'conference', such as Asia Africa Conference. We have also Round Table Conference or Konferensi Meja Bundar as it is popularly spoken in Indonesian language. 
Symposium is used by MPG EVA to name its activity: ISLOJ (International Symposium on the Language of Java) and ISMIL (International Symposium on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics).
The term 'seminar' is the commonest term used by many people and institution.
To sum up, of course based on my sense, seminar is the commonest term used in Indonesia, whether it is for formal one or not. If someone used the term 'conference', it seems that the meeting is greater and more formal than seminar. Indonesian people used to hear the word 'conference' in formal sense to refer to two examples namely Asia Africa Conference and Round Table Conference. These two political meetings are widely known in Indonesia and they are translated into "Konferensi Asia Afrika" and "Konferensi Meja Bundar". We have also scientific meeting called "Konferensi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia". It seems that, if we read it, this conference is only for one who knows well about linguistics. It is only who are experts in linguistics that can take part in the conference.
The term 'symposium' is not as popular as the term 'seminar' and 'conference'. It is rarely used in Indonesian. In my sense, symposium is a limited meeting not as big as seminar or conference.  A symposium is only followed by limited participants who concern on a specific topic to discuss. In Indonesia, the word seminar has become the most popular and the commonest term used to name big and formal meeting as well as semi formal meeting to discuss a certain topic. Every body can join the seminar, whether their have back ground on the theme or topic of the seminar or nor. Common participants who do not have any back ground on the topic are allowed to be participants as far as they interested in it. 
Because conference and symposium (in common meaning in Indonesia) are more formal, they are only followed by very limited participants. All the participants should know the topic discussed in the conference or symposium.  It seems that common people are not allowed to take part in a conference or symposium.



seminar international


International Seminar on Javanese
International Seminar on Malay/Indonesian Linguistics

International Symposium on the Language of Java (ISLOJ), International Symposium on Malay-Indonesian Linguistics (ISMIL) 

ISLOJ-3 or 3rd ISLOJ held on 23-24 June 2011 at UIN Malang was my first experience of taking part in international seminar or symposium. Frankly speaking, I have never taken part in any academic or scientific activities so far. I finally realized that to take part in scientific activities was important for me (and it was important for every body, especially university lecturers, like me). It started when in 2008 I enrolled as one of the students of Ph. D program at Udayana University Denpasar. In January 2009, I have to think seriously what paper I had to present in national seminar at my campus, held by Linguistics Study Program of Udayana University. The next conference is Conaplin-2 held by Language Center of Indonesian University of Education (UPI) Bandung. The following year, in 2010 I presented a paper in national seminar called national seminar on mother tongue. 
Here I tried to list the seminars or conferences that I took part in them.
1) ISLOJ-3 and ISMIL-14, Malang
2) 56th TEFLIN, Bandung
3) KIMLI, Bandung
(let me continue next time, since I do not draft it first).

Since ISLJ-5 will be held in Bandung, at Indonesian University of Education on June 5-6, 2015, I have to prepare fro now on what paper I have to present there.
In order to remind me, I try to record ISLOJ activities from the first ISLOJ to next one. 

ISLOJ 4 June 6-7, 2013, Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia
ISLOJ 3 June 23-24, 2011, Malang, East Java, Indonesia (UIN Malang)
ISLOJ 2 June 4-5, 2009, Senggigi, Lombok, Indonesia
ISLOJ 15-16 August 2007, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
ISMIL is usually held after ISLOJ in the same place. But ISMIL 2015 will be held in difference place, i.e. ISMIL will be held in Jambi. It means that I will miss it. I cannot take part in it since it is too far for me to reach there. (My Good, could you help me solve it?).

Majid Wajdi

Simple Writing

WRITING: Simple Writing

My daughter has difficulty in understanding my article in my blog. I have to think seven times what is wrong with my Indonesia sentences. It seems that I don't write it in simple sentences. In fact stating something in a simple way is not too easy. It is not too easy whether I state it in my mother tongue, first language, Indonesian language, or English. When I try to say and to write my simple idea in my first and my mother tongue, in Indonesian and also in English, the problem that I face is the same. I cannot guarantee that my first or my mother tongue is good enough, whether it is in spoken or written form. I will have difficulty to express my idea in my mother tongue. As it is known that my mother tongue is Javanese. Linguists divide Javanese into standard Javanese and non-standard Javanese. My mother tongue belongs to non-standard one. In simple way, the spelling of some words is different from standard and non-standard one.  "a" in a certain word is pronounce to be "O". An example Javanese word "mangga" is pronounced "monggo" in standard Javanese, but it is pronounced "mangga" in non-standard one. I have to overcome my mastery of Javanese speech levels too. As you know Javanese is not a simple language like the other languages.  Javanese is a stratified language, in which low and high speech levels exist there.
It is not a simple writing